Friday, June 20, 2014


currently snacking on while I write this post :)

Ok, so first off…. Let me say that I am so sorry that I have not posted anything in SOOO LONG!!

The last 2 months have been like a rollercoaster for me and I am FINALLY in a good place with myself!

So let me catch you guys up…..

For the past two months I have been struggling with working out and my diet… I can definitely consider the last two months as a slip up. IT SUCKS but I can actually admit that.. I went through a couple injuries while working out that caused me to take a couple of weeks off from the gym and honestly that started my downward spiral to getting lazy. I got into a relationship (which I am currently not in anymore) that also started to get me off my diet.

So while working out one night… I was doing some deadlifts and I completely messed up my back… the next day, weeks, it was extremely hard for me to move in almost every position. I tried to work out but I knew I just had to give my body a break. It honestly took me about 2+ complete weeks to heal. I went through heat pad sessions, roll out sessions, massage sessions and even more to try and get my back working correctly again. I finally decided that it just needed to heal with time and that's what I let it do. Now in the beginning of this rest/recovery/heal time it was so HARD for me NOT to workout!!! It took everything in me to just give myself a break!! Then towards the end of the first week… I enjoyed being lazy for a bit… I feel terrible even saying that. It came to a point where I just didn't even want to try and go to the gym anymore. Along with my back injury I suffered my knee continuously nagging me and a shoulder injury…. I would probably work out maybe at least 2x a week and that would be it. Along with not working out, I started to go back to my old diet ways….

Now, during this time of my back recovering I was in a relationship… and in this relationship I was happy at the time! So what do people do when they're happy?! THEY EAT!! Now, of course I was still eating healthy foods but then I started baking brownies, cakes, cookies almost 3x/week. I ate ice cream… A LOT of ice cream… Then I started cooking a lot of foods that I probably shouldn't have ate and excessively as well. Eating to a point where I was full instead of satisfied…. Now all the foods I started to cook could have been in moderation and also made in a "healthier" option. I made tacos a couple of times and of course I used turkey meat and I make my own taco seasoning but then I started using all the unhealthy condiments…excessively lol. That's just one example but the point is I just started eating what I wanted without any conscious thought. Now I don't completely blame the relationship I was in for my carelessness in my diet… it just started it… I should have caught myself a lot quicker than I did..

So while having poor eating habits during this time… I kept doing this thing where I would say, "Ok, tomorrow I start healthy eating again." Or I would say, "ok! On Monday I'll start!" I kept pushing off my decision instead of starting at that moment!!! Which is what took me so long to start my fitness journey in the first place! I kept using those same excuses and before I knew it 2 YEARS PAST ME BY!!

Last week, I FINALLY DECIDED TO COMMIT TO MYSELF AGAIN! My new target date that I'm working towards is November 28th. My birthday!!! I cant wait because I want to see what I can do once again with my body! I love the fact that your body can do anything YOU WANT it to do!!! All of those workout videos where they go "hard" and "beast mode" in the gym, YOU can also do that yourself!!! That's the AMAZING thing about fitness!!! I love it!!! So I have decided that I go back to my regular scheduled program of working out every single day with one rest day out of the week (Sunday for me). And back to my clean eating habits!!! And I am so EXCITED!!! I'll have a cheat meal once a month… That's how I scheduled my cheat meals before. I didn't really gain any weight luckily while I got lazy and started pigging out. Which I am so thankful for!! But I'm just glad that I caught myself before it got too late! I just wanted to show that everyone has slip ups, fitness is NOT perfect but IT IS progression!! You start to learn your body, your habits, what sets you off, how to catch yourself, what you need to change…. IT IS A LIFESTYLE!!

Me: currently:: happy:::