Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Day 4 of 90....

Hello Everyone!!!

Sorry It's taken so long to write a post... So let me update you on what's new....

 So On Sunday, March 16, 2014 I started a 90 day challenge... [I should have wrote a post on my first day, I'm so sorry I've been so busy trying to get school and work situated.] But the week before that I went on this binge where I was eating everything in sight until I got so full I couldn't breathe lol!

 I even have my days...where I lose it but before I'm too far gone, I catch myself! That's why I started another 90 day challenge for myself and I even asked anyone and everyone to join me on my journey just to show you guys what 90 days can do!  

For these next 90 days all I’m asking is for DEDICATION, DISCIPLINE, PATIENCE, build some WORK ETHICS, show me PASSION and to just try as hard as you can!! No cheating yourself, research when you’re lost about something and CONSISTENCY! You can do so much in 90 Days…. The end date of my 90 days is June 14, 2014. Here is what my Day 1 looks like…

I also started my food diary all over starting at Day 1 for a fresh new start…

Here are some pictures of my meals I’ve ate so far starting at Day 2:

(Breakfast: green pepper, onion & spinach omelette with multigrain toast)

(Also had 1/2 cup of strawberries & grapes with breakfast)

Day 3:

(Breakfast: boiled egg, multigrain toast w/ one tablespoon of peanut butter, cup of grapes, green tea with lemon. Book; The Power of Your Subconscious Mind)

(Postworkout lunch: baked chicken, boiled egg, 2 tablespoons of hummus with 1 carrot stalk)

Day 4 (today) March 19, 2014:

(Breakfast: cup of Cheerios with sliced bananas, 1/2 cup of light vanilla soy milk, boiled egg, green tea with honey & lemon)

(Snack: one celery stalk with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, topped with dried cranberries & a small tangerine)

(Lunch: 1/2 chicken & spinach sandwhich with hummus & mustard, 1/2 grapefruit, carrots & hummus to dip)

(Dinner: cabbage & cannellini bean soup with baked chicken on the side. And I had a cup of grapes for dessert)

On Day 1 I went to bootcamp and did 2 sessions because I was eating so bad the previous day…

I’ve also changed up my workouts a little… last month I was doing 30mins of cardio and about 30-45mins of circuit training with weight lifting with a specific muscle group every day (arms, shoulders, legs, back etc.) 

This month I’ve been doing a lot of interval, HIIT (high intensity interval training), calisthenics, body weight type of exercising. I’m also training for a half marathon (13.1 miles) so I’ve been trying to strengthen my muscles. I’m so happy that the weather is finally breaking in Michigan.  I finally did my first run outside instead of the treadmill and my pace/timing is so off…I was a little disappointed but I’m just gonna work on it.

The main reason I did this 90 days is because I saw myself picking up bad habits again… I basically ate what I wanted for 3 consistent days (I had my reasons) but I knew I couldn’t keep going or else I’d lose myself.  For those 3 days of eating BS I could honestly feel the impact… I got lazy, my mood was shitty, I was angry and I didn’t feel good.  Day 4 (today) I feel so much better! I have more energy and I’m happier! Lol! This 90 day challenge for myself is just another nice way I can motivate myself.  I’m so excited to see what I’ll look like on day 30… (I decided to take pictures every 30 days for progress)

My one year mark of changing my lifestyle is coming up in August and I can’t believe it…. Here’s another progress picture of me from back in August to this month….

The difference is amazing and I still can’t believe how much I accomplished! I literally still look at my before pictures every night before I go to bed. I love the fact that once upon a time other people’s before &  after pictures was my motivation but now I AM my own motivation and it feels so good.

I really cant wait to see what my body will look like 85 days from now!! So I’m asking anyone and everyone to join me! Just watch what hard work can do! You wont regret it, you’ll only regret that you didn’t do it!

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