Monday, March 3, 2014

5.38 miles... #beastMode

Hi guys,
I know it's been a long time since I've posted but I've been so busy. 

I hope everyone has been pushing and striving on their health journey & in fitness. I've def been pushing myself and even testing myself...

Today at the gym I ran 5+ miles for my first time ever & ran for an hour straight for my first time ever. I wanted to stop at 3 miles but I had to literally remind myself that it's all mind over matter. My mind is giving up before my body will. I wasn't tired at all at 3 miles but my mind wanted to stop. So I pushed onto 4 miles & the next thing I knew I pushed out 5 miles. I wanted to keep going but I had a meeting to attend so I had to stop running. 
My timing for how I run is not where I want it to be but I'm so proud of myself. 6 months ago I would have never been able to do that. I would have never even thought I could run that! But I pushed myself & got results!

Today I felt bad because I ate half of a chocolate muffin my niece had and I couldn't stop snacking on my homemade granola. Lol. So that's another reason why I pushed myself at the gym. 
I've written everything I plan on eating tomorrow so I can stay on track. I'm just hoping I don't gain any weight this week. 

Today I made a healthy pizza which was AMAZING!! I made homemade sauce from tomato sauce & topped it with light cheese, onions, green peppers, mushrooms & turkey pepperoni. I used a whole wheat tortilla & it definitely satisfied my pizza craving!

Lately this has been my fav snack (yogurt, strawberries, granola, chia seeds). & I finally bought some chia seeds & they are amazing! It's like they heighten the taste of whatever food you put them in and they're a great source of fiber!!

Lately I've been feeling blah about working out & I kinda think I may be overdoing myself. I need to take rest days but I've became so addicted to the gym I don't rest too often. And yes, too much of something even if it is working out can be harmful. It can harm muscles, joints and tire your body. 
I even have problems with my right knee and I continue to stress it, I need to do better but I'm learning. Lol. 

Here are some progress pictures of myself... Progress pictures are what motivated me in the beginning so hopefully these pictures will motivate you.  I continue to impress myself everyday with what I do, what I learn & how I perform. Keep pushing, don't stop, be patient. 

Since I've transformed my body I've gotten so many compliments & it feels good to know that people can see my progress. It keeps me pushing & it only makes me want to get better. 

Sorry it took so long to write a post. I'll let you guys know how tomorrow goes. 

Goodnight. :)

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