Thursday, March 13, 2014

Vampire status...

Good Morning Everyone! :)

So.... I actually have not been to sleep yet.... I got in the bed at about 1:30am and read a couple articles on my phone and attempted to go to sleep at about 2 but I literally was tossing and turning from 2-4am. OMG!!! I don't have any idea on why I was so restless either!

So guess what I did...

YUP!! I got dressed and went to the gym at 4am... lol!!! and honestly... it felt amazing! I ran 2miles and I kinda did some meditation while running, and did some self awareness exercises so it was pretty refreshing. I also did some lunges with a 30lb straight bar, some arm exercises and in between my circuit training I added a lot of HIIT exercises (high intense interval training). I intended to go light and easy since I haven't been to sleep yet but I ended up going extra hard. lol

I ended up burning 862 calories!! I couldn't believe it! lol. I've honestly been pushing and challenging myself in my workouts.  I try to maintain a heart rate over 150 throughout my workout, and on the last set of each exercise I go until I cant go anymore.  "If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you!"

Well after my workout, of course I had my protein shake. I then took a shower and an hour later I made breakfast which was one boiled egg, a slice of multigrain toast with about half a tablespoon of peanut butter and about 5 sliced up strawberries. Soooooo YUMMY! :)

So I came across this quote and it made me think of the growth I've gone through throughout this lifestyle change I've made...

Before I really became serious about my lifestyle changes, I had so much doubt about myself and I could never stick to my goals, my diets or my workouts.  I would constantly be in and out of it.  I'd eat a slice of pizza and instead of having a "cheat meal", I would have a "cheat day" which turned into "cheat weeks" and then before I knew it, I was back to my old habits.  I would buy all the healthy foods and as soon as a slice of dessert was in my face I had no will power.  Months would pass and suddenly I looked at the scale and I gained over 20lbs.  I would get dressed to go out and couldn't fit any of my clothes and if I did, I didn't feel comfortable in them and was insecure about how I looked the whole night and couldn't even enjoy myself or the moment. 

I always felt like a failure and that it would take me forever to lose all the weight but in the back of my mind I always knew I would do it! Then one day I literally stayed up until 4am looking at people's before and after pictures of their healthy lifestyle transformations and read what they had to say, and they all had one thing in common....they became happier, positive  people.  Them losing weight was just a plus to them growing internally as a person!

I can't stress enough how much this lifestyle change has taught me.  This journey has been eye-opening, spiritually, mentally, internally and externally.  I encourage you to fully embrace this process and realize how strong of a person it is making you. Not everyone can do it!  And of course it's gonna be hard, if it was easy...EVERYBODY would do it! Don't be part of the 70% that gives up!! You got this!!!

Okk... I think I MIGHT be getting sleepy now, Hope you guys have a good day!
Remember to keep your thoughts positive!!

"Every experience begins with a thought and our experience changes when we change the thought."

You ARE what YOU think!!! Be positive. Have faith. Think God loving thoughts and all the miracles that you are supposed to receive will fall into your lap! more before & after picture for some inspiration ;)

Goodnight! or Goodmorning! lol


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