Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Hello everyone!!


In this post I want to share a lot of different thoughts and things that I’ve been practicing and doing…


I haven’t been this happy in such a long time.  The happiness I feel now is even different; I have a legitimate internal happiness with myself that is full of joy, love and gratefulness.  I’ve felt happiness when I graduated college, when I’m with friends, when I travel out of town for a vacation but now I am truly happy with life, myself and every moment that passes.


I’ve been put in a situation where I’m not exactly happy with the turn out but if this situation never happened I truly believe I would have never found this new happiness I have now.  I have evolved and grown into a much better person inside and out.  The struggles I have been facing have only made me stronger and have created a story for myself that I have embraced.

At one point in my life I was disgusted with myself, hated how I looked, lived everyday as yesterday and couldn’t even allow the present or future to become of anything because of my thoughts and resentments with myself and people.  Everyday was a struggle for me and every thought was pure negativity and I couldn’t fix it.


When I first started my healthy lifestyle changes it was the hardest thing I ever made myself do…besides nursing school lol.  But changing my lifestyle made me such a better person, it taught me will power, perseverance and dedication.  Changing your lifestyle to a healthier one is something that will change you completely.  It’s hard in the beginning but in the end it is so worth it.  Every cliché quote about fitness and clean eating is beyond true and hard work shows results.  It shows the world that you didn’t give up, that you worked your ass off for the body you wanted.  When you rid your body of all the toxins all the fake foods and replace it with nutritional foods you feel better, your skin glows, you add years onto your life, you rid disease processes from happening to your body.

In this process I have also became a lot closer to my higher power.  I finally came to believe that a Power greater than myself could restore me to sanity.  I made a decision to turn my will and my life over to the care of God as I understood him.  I wouldn’t have been able to do this without the fellowship I have joined and belong to which has given me new direction on how to live life as God would want me to. I finally gave it up to God and realized that he has a plan for me and the struggles he has been dishing out to me are something I needed to go through.  I am nothing but thankful for everything I have been through and willing to see what the next day is going to bring.  

I have also started meditating… Meditation might sound so hippie lol but I feel like it is very necessary and essential to learn yourself inside.  

“Meditation is not to escape from society, but to come back to ourselves and see what is going on.  Once there is seeing, there must be acting. With mindfulness we know what to do and what not to do.”

-The word LISTEN contains the same letters as the word SILENT.

-The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.  The challenge is to silence the mind.

After I meditate, I reflect on my thoughts and write them down in my journal, I practice meditation in the morning before I start my day so I can set a good mood for the day with positive thoughts.  I have also been reading books that fully explain our thoughts.  Your thoughts become you, with every single little thought an action is provoked from it.  So if you think loving and positive thoughts, love and positivity will bestow to you from the universe, this is the law of compensation/”the secret” they speak of. "An undisciplined mind, easily tempted into faithless and unloving thoughts, is a huge deterrent to success." You must exercise your thoughts in your mind. Your brain is like a muscle, if you don’t use it and exercise it, then it gets weak.  

I know I rambled in this post but I’ve been so full of positivity and love that I wanted to share it with you guys.  When changing your lifestyle don’t get stuck in negativity, if you ate a cookie, so what don’t eat another one, work it off and tomorrow is another day to do better.  If you only lost 1lb this week, so what! Its 1lb lighter than what you used to be…everything adds up.  Make changes to see changes, read to gain knowledge, experiment to learn different things, pray for guidance and be happy with yourself.  

Hope you guys have a blessed, beautiful day! :)




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