Thursday, March 6, 2014

In my Zen :)

Hey guys!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful beautiful day! I sure did!! :) 

Today went really smooth. I started my day with my morning meditation. I try to meditate for at least 10-15mins. I honestly feel like meditation is necessary for the body as water is necessary for life. You must get in touch with your soul, rid all of your external thoughts and allow yourself to just be. It will allow you to change your thoughts from negativity to positivity & you will exuberate positivity in all aspects of life. 

I've been reading this book & it has gave me so much insight on my thoughts and on life. Basically it talks about how every thought is a cause that produces an effect. So you must keep your mind in a loving place so that you can experience loving effects. 
This is the ONE thing that stuck out to me... If we are all God's children, He created us to be God loving and innocent. So you must remember that God dwells within your mind & there are NO forces over which He has no control. So...through His power within you, there are NO mortal conditions over which you are powerless. You must thing Loving thoughts internally to feel the universe give you love externally. [idk if that makes am sense to you but you guys gotta read this book!! Lol. I'm on my 2nd time reading it. This time I'm taking notes. And I legit read the whole book in one day.] 
I feel like if I keep reading this book it will keep my thoughts in check. 

Anyways....back to my day! Lol. Today for breakfast I had some yogurt with a little granola, sliced almonds, strawberries topped with some chia seeds and a boiled egg. I also had a nice hot cup of green tea with honey & lemon. 

It was so yummy! And healthy!!! :) 

For lunch I made a chicken wrap with romain, green pepper, onions, tomatoes, a little cheese and mustard. The wrap was of course whole wheat. I also had celery with peanut butter and dried cranberries on the side. The celery was suprisingly so good!!! I think I'm gonna eat some again tomorrow! 

For my snack I had a small green apple, a boiled egg & some peanuts. 

Then for dinner I had a 4inch turkey sub from jimmy johns that's brother had, a side of sliced chicken breast and a cup of carrot cake yogurt. (The yogurt was actually really good, only 60calories & 3g of sugar!! I think I'm gonna go get some more tomorrow!) 

Then I waited about 2 1/2 hours before going to the gym. Today I wanted to go hard and my goal was to burn at least 800 calories. So I made up a nice HIIT workout. I am falling in love with them!! They're basically a group of exercises that keep your heart rate up. 

That's what I did at the gym today after running 2miles. And guess what!....
I burned 950 calories!!!! I was so happy!! I burned off more than half of what I ate today! 

Tomorrow is weigh in day for me as is every Friday and I'm scared because I feel like I didn't lose any weight. But I honestly feel like I've gained some muscle. So we'll long as I didn't gain any weight I'll be ok but I'm so scared!! is throwback Thursday, so let me take you guys back to 7 months ago to an unhappy girl...
...and look at me NOW!!! My goodness when they say hard work, WORKS!!! I will be a testimony to that!!! I worked my ass off for this body! And I'm still nowhere near where I wanna be! If I did this in 7 months wait until another 7 months pass!!! I'm destined to be GREAT!!! 

It's amazing that I can be MY OWN MOTIVATION now. I remember staying up till 4 o'clock in the morning for so many nights looking at people's transformation, I stare at own MY PROGRESS!!! I fuckin love it!!! 

Also yesterday was Ash Wednesday...the start of Lent. Remember that He sacrificed his life for us, so keep your thoughts as God would want you to, be kind, merciful, gracious and grateful. If you're ever lost...take a moment and talk to God...he always knows the answers, you just have to listen. 

"Know God,
Know peace. 
No God. 
No peace."

Me & mommy at mass yesterday. :)

Hope everyone has a beautiful night. Sorry for the late post. 
Night! :)

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