Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Interest vs. Commitment...

Hey guys!!! 
It's about 11:30pm. & I'm exhausted lol. But I'm gonna write a post to let you guys know how my day went and some thoughts I have...

So today I woke up around 8 something...drank my water & made I had a boiled egg, strawberries and some oatmeal cooked in light vanilla soy milk. 

I then had so much energy in me I decided to do some meal prepping. I made my infamous veggie stirfry to eat with my meals lol. 
This is how my meal prep looked after I was done. So convenient. A little time consuming BUT..."If you fail to plan, plan to fail." One of my favorite quotes!! You must do the things necessary to improve yourself. If you meal prep you've already planned what you will be eating for the next few days. You don't have to think about dinner or lunch, you don't have an option to buy some carry out. 

When I say "clean eating" MY interpretation is eating mostly NONpackaged foods. Everything I eat is fresh. My produce, my meat, everything. The only things I eat packaged is my bread but the only bread I eat is multi-grain. And yogurt! I love yogurt! Lol. Oh, and organic peanut butter. Lol! 

Here are some ways to pick the healthier option. If you're confused about something or are having a hard time choosing what to eat...research!!! My phone has became my GURU! When I need a new recipie, I google it. When I need to find a new workout, I google it. When I can't figure out how many calories something is, I google it!! I google everything!!! Pinterest is also AMAZING!!' The internet does everything for me!! I'm literally up every night till at least 2am researching new fitness ideas for myself. I LOVE reading fitness articles, fitness anything!! 

•you've got to understand that this IS a process and you have got to fully enjoy & embrace it. 
•remember that results won't come in 1-2 didn't gain all that weight in 2 weeks, so give yourself time & be patient. 
•why make excuses when you can just do it? Your mind will find every excuse in the book to not workout or to eat a cookie but after you eat the cookie, how do you feel? When you don't workout, what have you achieved??
One hour is only 4% of your day!! If you can't dedicate one hour to yourself to become a better person you need to think about why you're doing this. You've got to change your attitude. 
For a LONGGGGG time I didn't understand how I was gonna lose weight. I became depressed with my body. I simply hated it. As each day passed, one day I looked up and realized one whole year flew by! And I did NOTHING for myself. 
•just imagine what 6 months can do for you....look at what it did for me!! Everytime I started a fitness plan I gave up because I didn't see results fast enough. I stopped because I ate a slice of pizza and didn't catch myself before I was too far gone again. 
Then one day I got on my phone & looked at people's transformation pictures of their before & afters until 6am and I convinced myself I can do this. People made drastic changes in 6 MONTHS, ONE year and they were a totally different person! I became so inspired & motivated that I just started. 

•I did what I could with what I had. I didn't have a gym but I had some weights, it was warm outside so I had space to run, I bought a jump rope...I made it work with I had!! 
I stopped making excuses for myself. I didn't eat the cookies my mom brought home from work anymore. I didn't eat until I was so full that I couldn't breathe. I made changes! I began to take full responsibility for myself. 
In the beginning it wasn't so hard for me because I wanted it so bad. My first month I dropped 12lbs!! I ate clean & worked out everyday! 

•I had my days where I fell off, my cheat meals turned into days, taking a week off of working out BUT I didn't let that stop me! I caught myself before I got too far. I learned from myself. I learned what to do when I'm in certain situations. 
-pack a lunch when I'm going to be gone for a long time
-pick the grilled chicken & veggies at the restaurant with the sauce on the side. 
-always have a bottle of water
-never skip Mondays at the gym
-never skip more than 2 consecutive days of working out 
My list goes on & on but the list is for ME. I learned what & what not to do. I'm still learning how to make healthy choices. Im still learning new workouts. But I'm doing the work that I have to do to figure it out. 
When you have a cheat meal or don't work out...oh well!! Move on!! Tomorrow is another day to DO BETTER. Be upset with yourself, reflect on it, figure out how you can do better the next time & move on!! 

I hope some of this helps you guys on your journey. I know I rambled but I got into my motivation speech just because I remember how I felt in the beginning & I wish I had someone who could tell me how they did it. Keep going, don't give up, push yourself & move on! 

Goodnight! ;) 

Let me be your motivation...
August 8, 2013

February, 25 2014

=7 MONTHS of hard work! Clean eating & training dirty!!! No waist corsets, no crash diets, no starvation. Me, my gym shoes, my body, 4-6meals a day & I transformed my body!!! :)

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