Saturday, February 22, 2014

Good Morning!!! Saturday REST DAY :)

Good Morning guys!!

I have no idea why I'm up, I went to bed at about 4 something this morning. Smh. 

Well I've been laying in bed since 8 because I thought I was gonna fall back asleep. I need to get up and boil some eggs. Idk what I'm gonna have for breakfast with my egg yet. I'm thinking fruit & a slice of toast or some oatmeal. Idk yet. 

Yesterday was a pretty good day..I woke up and had breakfast. 
I had a plate of fruit + a boiled egg. 

I then had some fruit before I went to the gym. Yesterday was chest day and I did some ab work. Stayed in the gym for about 2 hours like I normally do. Ran 2 miles. 

Then I came home and make lunch. 
I made veggie stirfry & my dad made some salmon so I had that on the side for protein. 

After I ate I got ready for my movie night with a group I attend and I made sure I made a smoothie to take with me and packed some fruit to take along since I knew there was going to be pizza, cupcakes and cookies there. OMG! When they served the food last night the pizza smelled so good!!! But I just got a plate of salad for dinner. 

They also had mini cupcakes and they all kept trying to make me eat one but I kept saying in my head, "it isn't worth it" lol!!! The smoothie I made actually filled me up and made me pretty full and the salad was pretty tasty so I didn't really mind not eating the pizza. I actually tried to save my cheat day for last night BUT I slipped and ate the cookies last week. Lol. No cheat day for me until next month. :( but it all pays off ;) 

This month I've lost 5lbs so far and that was my goal for this month. I have one week left in the month so let's see what I can do. 

I'm actually pretty glad today is rest day for me. My right knee has been bothering me all week and I know I should have rested it during the week but I get anxiety when anything comes in the way of me going to the gym. It's awful lol. But I kept pushing myself and wrapped it while I did my runs and cardio. 

This is me yesterday before the legs are toning up so much!!! I'm so happy with my results. At night I used to look at other peoples transformation pictures for motivation and now I can look at my own. :) It's such a gratifying feeling. This morning when I was looking at my pictures I remembered that feeling I had in the beginning, when all I kept thinking about was how long is it gonna take to see my numbers go down. (Scale-weight numbers) I wanted all my results to come fast and I finally had to learn that it's a process and that I have to fall in love with the process I was going through. Now I'm addicted to the lifestyle, I love eating healthy food that makes me feel good, I love pushing my body at the gym. Keep going!!! Don't give up!! Put the cookie down and pick up the apple!! It will show in 3 weeks, you ARE what you eat! Remember that!!

Me last night. :)

Have a great day today guys!!

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