Thursday, February 13, 2014

Addicted to results...

  It's been awhile since I've posted but I've actually gotten really busy's currently 2:30am and I'm wired because I had a late workout tonight and didn't get home until about 12 midnight. 
  So today was pretty busy...I woke up around 10am and I've finally made it a habit to literally drink a big glass of cold water & eat breakfast. I drink a glass like literally when I wake up before breakfast to wake up my body, get everything flowing and to feel more full after I eat my breakfast. Today's breakfast was a slice of whole wheat toast and an omelette which consisted of 2 eggs, diced red onions, diced red tomatoes, a minced garlic clove, and some spinach. It was soooo good too. I haven't had an omelette for breakfast in a long time. 

  I usually go to the gym from 12-2 on my busy days to knock it out the way but today I played with my niece until it was time for me to go to cheer practice at 3. For a snack today I had a half of a banana my niece didn't finish a small clementine, and a couple of blackberries. That was at about 1:30. At about 2, I finally got hungry and had a mixed spring salad with chicken from Pita Cafe with the vinegarette dressing. I haven't had one of those in a LONG time either!! I remember at one point I ate one of those salads EVERY DAY. lol. 

  I then ran to Kroger before practice because I wanted to try out a dessert recipe I found...I LOVE LOVE sweets and I've been craving them because one, it's "that" time of the month & because I haven't had anything sweet in such a long time because I've been trying to cut back sugar to lose weight. 

  So the ingredients for this dessert are:
•vanilla Greek yogurt - I used some light strawberry yogurt also 
•mini baking cups
•dark chocolate chips

1)Make sure you have a flat surface to start...I used a cutting board
2)Lay out the baking cups on the flat surface so you can transfer them easily...I did 12.
3)Cut the strawberries into small slices along with 1/2 of the banana and purée them...I puréed mine in a blender
4)Put a dollop of yogurt in the cups for the bottom layer...I did half Greek yogurt and the other the regular yogurt. (I wanted to see which one would taste better)
5)Put a spoonful of the banana & strawberry purée on top of the bottom layer in the cups...make sure you cover the bottom later completely. 
6)Put another dollop of yogurt on top of the purée for the top layer
7)Place 3 chocolate chips on top of the top layer
8)Place in freezer for about 2hrs...or until frozen (I don't kno how long it takes to freeze. Mine were in there for about 4hrs because I made them in advance.)
9)Thaw for 10mins when ready to eat

  These little cupcakes of heaven tasted so much better than what I expected!!! I expected them to taste good but they exceeded my expectations. I've also been craving ice cream & this knocked my craving away! Each little frozen cupcake is only about 30calories too!!! I highly recommend trying them out!! 

  I ate them as soon as I got home from running around all day which was around 8pm. I also had a piece of toast and a boiled egg with them because I actually decided to go to the gym. So I ate them for some energy. They aren't even bad to eat at all & 100% healthy & good to eat! Even before a workout! My mom even enjoyed them. She said they tasted refreshing and light. 

  So I went to the gym around 9:30pm and left at about 11:30. Today I finally ran 2miles in about 20mins!!! Well almost...20mins & 2seconds!! -_- so tomorrow morning I'm gonna try and hit it under 20mins...

  Before I left I bought a protein shake to drink for protein because that's the best time to drink it, right after a workout. Since I do a lot of weight lifting, basically everyday I need the protein. It's good to lift weights when trying to lose weight so you build muscle and tone your body at the same time. When people say "Omg, you're gonna look like a man.." they have no idea what they're talking about. So lift weights!! Women don't have enough testosterone in their body to create muscles like men. 

  When I got home I had no idea what to eat because it was so late & I didn't want to eat something heavy before bed. So I made some broccoli sautéed in extra virgin olive oil with garlic and the white of a boiled egg with 1/2 of a grapefruit. 
  I drank a big glass of water before eating so I would feel full enough with what I ate. And I definitely felt full. 

  Earlier in the day I decided I was just gonna skip the gym today since I would be so busy and since my body is so sore. But when I got home I couldn't get it in me to skip out on the gym. The results of my hardwork have made me a bit over obsessive over working out but I love it. The fact that I can motivate myself now is beyond amazing. If you're just starting your healthy lifestyle or changes in your diet, keep going!!! Hard work pays off!!

  You didn't gain all that weight after eating junk in one day and you won't lose weight by eating correctly and exercising in one day either. It's all a process and you have to embrace the process. You also get a lot of respect when people see you change your body the right shows that that you have discipline. 

I promise you it gets easier and you start to love yourself more. It teaches you will power, motivation, determination and it makes you proud of what you're doing. 

  People may look at you crazy and question why you do it...that's when you get to explain why you're doing it and voice yourself to them. And maybe you'll motivate them to change their lifestyle as well. And when they don't understand you or look at you crazy, deep down they're jealous they don't have the determination and will power you have. So keep going!! And if you ever need motivation go look at my before & after pictures. It only takes about 6months to change your body! It's already February...if you started in January you're already in your 2nd month of your transformation. Remember the summer is coming!! Summer bodies are made in the winter!!

  I know this post is kinda long but I haven't wrote a post in so long & I had a lot on my mind. I continue to preach the healthy lifestyle because more & more people continue to tell me that I've motivated them to make changes and they try to live a healthier lifestyle and it makes me so happy to know that I can be someone's motivation.! So thanks guys!! You guys continue to motivate me as well!! 

And PS..when you think about going to a fast food place remember this picture...
Goodnight :)

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