Monday, February 24, 2014

Feel good pain...

I've been so busy lately so sorry for the late post!!

Hey guys!!
I know I haven't made a post since Saturday I think but I've been so busy!! 
Well today was a nice busy day...I woke up at 9:00 & got rushed to get dressed by my mother who had an appointment at 10 that she wanted me to go with her. I quickly got dressed then made sure I grabbed something to eat on the way! I drank a big glass of water, filled my to go water bottle, grabbed a slice of whole wheat bread & a plum! I've made it a habit to NEVER skip breakfast! If you're not hungry, so something! It's what gets your metabolism going & it gives you energy to get your body started for the day! 

We got home at about 12 & I made lunch for myself...we had other places to go so I made something light. I had an avacado with an egg baked in the oven & some fruit on the side. I didn't really like the taste of my avacado tasted bitter but that's what it's all about...trying new foods, different ways. I LOVE avacado but from now on I'll only eat it uncooked lol. I also had some raw peanuts on the side. 

Then I had to go to a quick dr's appointment & they had pretzel bags out for the patients and I couldn't resist so I had a bag! It was small and only 160calories so I didn't feel bad & pretzels aren't too bad for you and they're a whole lot healthier than chips!. I burned it off at the gym anyways. ;) 

Me and my mom made runs until about 5pm. When I got home I ate a light snack before going to the gym...a 1/2 cup of light yogurt & some blueberries. 

And yes! I measure everything! That's the only way I'll know that I'm eating the correct proportion size. 
Then I went to the gym from 6-830pm. My stamina & physical abilities in the gym have gotten so much stronger I can't believe it!! I'm able to lift more weight, I can run longer & faster, my HIIT workout that I made up a month ago is no longer hard for me to do, I do it with ease! The progress doesn't just show in the pictures it shows in the workouts too! 

Yesterday was Sunday which means bootCamp!! And I do 2 one hour sessions, one at 12pm and one at 3pm. I push myself no lie when I workout. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. It's all mind over matter. The first workout at 12 was so extreme I didn't think I was gonna be able to do a second one & almost went home but I stayed and pushed myself to do the 3pm class. The second workout was a lot more harder but I made it. And didn't give up or stop or half ass any of the exercises that we had to do. Perseverance!!!! 
I am sooooo sore from yesterday that it hurt so bad to get out of bed this morning. I was even sore yesterday night! I'm usually never sore the day of my workout, always the day after. But even though I'm sore from yesterday, I made it to the gym today. In my opinion working out the day after sore, helps my muscles a lot! 

Today I also finally bought my protein supplements!!!!
I drink a protein shake after every workout to replenish my muscles because I do a lot of weight lifting for one and also because I want to lose weight but build/tone my muscles. Protein is very essential with muscle replenishing! No it doesn't bulk you up of you're a the research before you bad mouth protein shakes! Lol. 
I then had my dinner about an hour after my drink which was baked chicken & a side of mixed veggies. 

Today me & my mom also went to the oriental store so I bought some green tea & had that after dinner before bed. Green tea is always good to drink for so many reason that are beneficial for your body. 

Tomorrow I have to get up extra early again with my mom but this time I'm gonna get up in time to make a good breakfast lol! Nite!

Me before I went to the gym today...I bought new gym clothes but the bottoms were a little big, they kept falling while I was working out...they're a medium!! I can't believe I'm going to have to buy small clothes now!
I even saw 2 people today while I was out that I haven't seen in months but they couldn't even recognize who I was and when I told them who I was, they were so shocked with how much weight I lost! Crazy!! I was so shocked that they didn't know who I was!! Lol!! & it also felt good to know that people can see my hard work! ;)

But ok it's 1:30am now I'm going to bed! Night! Lol!

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