Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday=shoulder day

Hey guys, 

Today was a laid back day. Got up early around 9ish and had I had fruit and 1 hard boiled egg. 

Today when I dropped my niece off at home I stopped by & bought her some donuts and it's the ONE thing I've been craving sooooo much!!! But with my strong will power, I didn't have any! 
Omg I swear it was like death laughing at me in my face, I wanted one so bad! 

For a snack around 1ish I had a small green apple & some asparagus. 

Then I made it to the gym at about 3:50ish. Today for cardio I did 20mins on the stair master. It's my second favorite cardio machine after the treadmill because I burn so many calories and I sweat so much! After the stairs I did my shoulder workout for the day, 6 exercises, 20reps, 4 sets. Then I finished my workout with a 30min bike ride. Which in the end was about 6+miles. Left at about 6. 
After my workout I stopped by GNC and bought 2 quest protein bars...I can't wait to try them! 
You can even make cookies out of these protein bars by baking them in the oven!! 

Then I came home and had dinner. For dinner I had a turkey burger with stirfry veggies and one scrambled egg with onions & tomatoes for extra protein. I also had some cabbage & green bean soup on the side. 

Today was also my bestfriend's 25th birthday & she had a small get together with cake and ice cream!!!! Wahhh. I wanted a slice but instead I brought over an apple and some blackberries to eat. Lol. I always come prepared with healthy snacks wherever I go. 

Then I came home and was still hungry so I had a banana and some peanuts. I typically don't like to eat bananas at night because I feel like they're too heavy but they looked so good I couldn't resist lol. Then I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water shortly after and saw half of an avacado so I made some guacamole!! Lmao!!! So I had a late night snack of some guacamole on 3 small slices of cheese & it filled me up!! Now I'm satisfied after a big glass of water. I don't even feel bad after eating it because I've been doing so well with my diet and going to the gym everyday. And it's still clean eating! :)
It was so good!! First time ever making it too!!! Now I'm in bed watching the food channel it's literally the only channel I watch. Lol I get a lot of food ideas from here also. But this week is ALMOST over with!! And I'll finally have a rest day from the gym! Lol. My body needs some rest!!! My lower back just started getting in pain for some reason. So I'm gonna try and find a sauna to get into over the weekend. Hopefully I find one. But goodnight guys!!! Hope everyone made a small change in their lifestyle today. Sometimes you just gotta do it!!! Like #nike lol. 

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