Thursday, February 13, 2014

The week is almost over!!

This week has been so busy for me!!! Coaching a middle school cheerleading team is a lot of work!! But I love the girls...lately they've been having events and practice almost everyday of the week so I've had to get my workouts done early in the day.

Today I woke up at about 8:30 this morning because I took my mother to work today. And I stopped by the sports store after dropping her off and bought some weight lifting gloves. I highly recommend them if you do a lot of weight lifting. I lift everyday and after somebody stole my other gloves at the gym, I tried lifting without them and my hands were in so much pain. 

I then got home around 10 and made breakfast. Today for breakfast I had another omelette, toast and some grapes on the side. 

I had a doctors appointment at 1 so I packed a snack because I went straight to the gym after my appointment. When I left my appointment, For a snack I had a banana and some peanuts. 

Got to the gym around 2:40 and left at about 5:00. Today was shoulder day...I hate shoulder day lol. Ran 2miles, lifted weights, did the stairs for 20mins then did some ab work. 

I then bought a protein shake at the gas station on my way to pick up my mom from work to replenish my muscles. Then she insisted on buying Popeyes chicken. Omg! It smelled so good in the car!! No I didn't have one even though I'm pretty sure I can afford to eat one since I haven't had a cheat day in so long but I actually didn't want it. I did but I didn't....

When we got home I quickly packed a dinner to take with me to cheer practice so I packed some chicken I made, left over broccoli from last night and some eggs with a cup of grapes. Got to practice at about 6:15 and finally ate dinner. 

When I got home it was about 8:30 and I wanted a snack/light meal so I ate a spinach salad with tomatoes and made a spinach smoothie.

So today after I showered I decided to take a progress picture...I've been taking them in a bathing suit I have so I can truly see the consistency of my hard work...
The dates on the pictures are:
Left- 11/19/13
Middle- 01/09/13
Right- 2/13/14 TODAY!! ;) 

I eat clean EVERY DAY and I workout EVERY DAY except for Saturday...which is my rest day for my body. But this shows you that hard work pays off!!! It doesn't take long to see results if you're consistent with what you're doing! Please be patient and build your Will power!!! Summer bodies are made in the winter!!! Don't stop!!!

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