Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday=arm day

It's about 1:05am I know it's late but I just got done eating my's so late because I just got home from the gym at around 12 midnight. I'm exhausted...well today was a longgg dayyyyy. My gosh!!! 

Woke up at about 10:30am and ate breakfast. Today's breakfast was a fruit platter...strawberries, blueberries, bananas and kiwi. 

Today I realized my avacados were finally ripe so I tried a chicken sandwhich with them and it came out delicious!!! I toasted 2 slices of multigrain bread and in my sandwhich I put 2 pieces of chicken breast cut up into pieces, half of an avacado, 4 slices of tomatoes, spinach and 2 small slices of mozarella. On the side I had baked sweet potato wedges. It was AMAZING! And I got so full!! I usually only eat half of a sandwich for lunch. Here's the outcome :) 

I then had to go to my cheerleaders game from 330-6. And of course I brought along my favorite apple and some peanuts and ate that at about 5ish. After the game we had to go straight to another cheer practice from 6-8 and I was STARVING!!! Oh my goodness!! And I was extremely exhausted!! 
I wanted to skip out on the gym today and just take a rest day but I wouldn't of felt right. Lol. So I texted my friend Shawn and of course he gave me the courage and motivation to go. When I got home from cheer practice I had a light snack of 1/2cup of light yogurt with berries. 

I ate that quick snack at about 9 and left for the gym around 9:45ish so I got to the gym at about 10...I ran 3miles today, did my arm routine for the day, did some abs and was in and out in about 2 hours. 

Even though it's late I had to eat something to replenish my body, especially my muscles. So I made a turkey burger in a bed of sautéed spinach, onions, garlic and mushrooms. It was amazing!! I think it's my new favorite meal! 

I wanna eat half of a grapefruit...I think I might eat a couple slices because I always want something sweet after dinner or before bed. Fruit is the closest thing to something sweet I eat. But anyways....that's my day in a nutshell. 

Just a couple words of advice or motivation I should say...
-in order to see change you have to make changes
-it won't be hard, but anything worth working for will always be hard work! 
-"I regret working out" is what NO ONE said..."I regret not working out" is what SHE/HE said...the days you don't feel like going are the days you go hard in the gym. Those are the days you don't give up because every day counts!! 

Night night. :)

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