Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday = Leg Day

Hey guys,

  Every Monday is leg day...I've recently started a workout routine for throughout the week...
Sunday-REST DAY :)

 My workout typically starts off with 30mins of running...[varies from 2.30-3 miles] then I start my lifting routine for that day. I do about 5-6 exercises with 4sets of 20reps...basically circuit training. Every Monday I workout with my friend Shawn...and honestly since I've been working out with him my body has been changing a lot!! 

  Well I just wanted to let you guys know how my typical Monday goes...

  So today I woke up around 10am...when I wake up I literally force myself to get up, drink a glass of water and eat breakfast. Today's breakfast was a nice plate of fruit. 

  For lunch, which was around 1:45ish I had a roast beef sandwhich [one slice of multigrain bead toasted, cut in half, mustard, spinach, cheese], carrot slices and kale chips [which I made for the first time & they were AMAZING!] 

  Then I went to cheer practice where I coach a middle school team with my bestfriend from 3:30-530. At about 5:00 I ate my snack that I brought along so I could have fuel for the gym...
  This has became one of my FAV apple & 28 peanuts (I figured out a normal serving size). 

  I then went to the gym and met Shawn there and we went in from 6-8pm. For cardio today I did the stair master instead of my normal 30min run. 

  Then I came home and had dinner, I had stir-fry veggies and ground turkey with one egg scrambled for protein. I didn't take a picture of my dinner because I forgot. But here's a picture of my veggies I made. 

  I then had a banana for dessert. And at about 10:30 I got hungry again so I ate a small green apple with vinegar. [it sounds weird but I've been eating vinegar & apples since I was a child because that's how my mom ate hers. Lol] 

  But now I'm in bed. Tired, sore and resting. Tomorrow is another day of progress. Hopefully I can motivate you guys enough to make a small change in your daily routine to be a healthier person! 


Lol. This is me & my niece before I left for my workout. :)

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