Thursday, February 20, 2014


Hey guys!! 

In this post I just wanna post some of my thoughts about my transformation into a healthier lifestyle. 

So I go to the gym everyday...and a lot of people always ask me can they come and workout with me which is fine...but I think they have the thought that working out hardcore everyday is what helped me lose weight...
Yes, working out is essential to losing weight and toning your body BUT everything starts in the kitchen!!! 

The saying..."You ARE what you eat" is very true in my eyes...if you eat processed foods, fast foods, packaged foods and all those sweets then it shows on your body! When you eat clean, your mood changes, your skin glows, your body feels better and it starts to look better! 
When I was crash dieting...I would try to workout like crazy, I even had a personal trainer. I would work out and think in my mind just because I burned off the calories then I can eat them. My thought process was lose enough calories to eat what I want...terrible, terrible thinking. In due time I ended up gaining so much weight. I would over eat all the time! Proportion sizes didn't exist in my mind, I just simply ate until I was full like my stomach was gonna explode. I also only drank water when I was thirsty. 

I even remember being a vegetarian for a whole year to try and lose weight and of course I gained weight! I ate so much processed foods, lots of carbs like pasta and rice, lots of was all bad lol. 

I FINALLY understand and get the concept of proportion sizing. I started paying attention to serving sizes on packaged foods. (I don't eat anything that's packaged anymore, unless it's a cheat day) I've learned how to season my foods without salt too! It only takes 30 days to change and even to change your taste buds! So I can totally admit my palate for foods is very different from anyone else's. I've trained my taste buds! Lol. 

In the beginning of changing your lifestyle into a healthy can't push yourself too hard or else you'll start to hate it. It's a process...and you have to start off slow. When I first started working out, all I did was walk/jog 2 miles everyday. After a couple of weeks I slowly incorporated weights after my walk. It's all about tricking your body. When you start to feel like your workout is getting easy, switch it up! Push yourself! Your body is capable of doing a lot more than you think! It's all mind over matter. 
I remember when I first tried the stair machine, I could barely last 5mins at a stepping rate of 45. Then I made it to 10 mins. Then one day I pushed myself and finished 20mins! With a stepping rate of 65! You have to be positive in everything you do. It reflects in your workouts. 

When I first started this journey...I didn't have a gym or a personal trainer. I did everything by myself by educating myself, doing the research, following fitness people on Instagram and Timblr. Those were the people that motivated me!!! Looking at before & after pictures of people's transformation kept me motivated!!! 
It all takes small steps. But it gets easier, and the next thing you know all your actions & choices become natural. You won't consider yourself on a diet, it will just be foods that you choose to eat. Healthy eating is NOT boring! You have to try new things! Find recipies, make up recipies!! 

Today I made these romain boats!! I stuffed them with fresh spinach, mustard, avacados & tomatoes and some chicken. I totally made up this recipie before I went to bed last night & it came out amazing!!! I even watch the food channel ALL THE TIME & it gives me ideas. 

I'm writing this post because I don't want you to give up. Just remember that you are doing this for you! Your body! Looking good is just a bonus out of a healthy lifestyle the benefits you reap out of it is amazing, especially the fact that you can cure your body from eating healthy, you add years onto your life and you prevent yourself from getting all these bad diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular problems. 
I did crash diets for 2 years and kept gaining weight. I've been eating clean & working out everyday and I've lost 37lbs. The process works! Don't give up !!! It will all be worth it in the end!!! 

Any feedback on my blog is greatly appreciated! I like to know what you guys think for whomever reads it! :) 

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