Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tuesday=back day :(

Morning guys!!

So today I woke up EXTRA early!! At about 830am and quickly started my morning routine. Drink a big glass of cold water & make breakfast. Today for breakfast I had 1/2cup of oatmeal (whole wheat) with a couple slices of a banana & some berries. 

In about 30mins it will be time for my snack. But I have to go restock on more fruit. So I have no idea what I'm going to eat yet. 

Today I have to go grocery shopping, and a meeting later tonight so I'm debating on if I should hit the gym early or late. 

I haven't wrote a post since Thursday, so I'll catch you guys up with what I've been doing...

Last Friday was Valentines Day and since I had no valentine :( I took myself on a date to the gym. Like any other day. No sweets for me that day!! I was so proud of myself! A lot of candy, chocolate and cupcakes were offered to me!

On Saturday...I started off pretty well...I had fruit for breakfast, fruit for a snack and even had a salad at Buffalo Wild Wings. I even ate a couple of my friends potato wedges...I felt like I could afford to eat them since I've been working out everyday and I haven't had a cheat day in a couple of weeks. 
Then I came home and it was OVER!! I decided to treat myself to a cookie...and ended up eating FOUR! Lol!! Then when I got to my meeting I probably ate SEVEN more cookies!!! Lmaooo!!! I then felt HORRIBLE, tummy ache & mad that I let myself eat that many cookies... :( 
After I ate them I made sure that as soon as I got home I ate a cup of veggies and drank a lot of water. I then planned to do TWO sessions of bootCamp the following Sunday. 
Just to show that I even still have my slip ups and sometimes I can't control my sweet cravings!!!! You just gotta stick it in the past and keep moving forward!

On Sunday...I started with a healthy breakfast before I left for bootCamp. 
I had a slice of toast with guacamole, boiled egg on top and a small green apple. 

I then hit the noon and 2 o'clock sessions with a guy I used to go to HS with. He teaches them for only $5 a session!!! For a whole hour!! I can't pass it up! 
I was sooooo sore the following Monday...and actually I'm still sore now! But yesterday I had a pretty intense workout too. I was in the gym for 3 hours yesterday. Lol. So when I got home from bootCamp I made some veggies and chicken breast and had that for lunch and dinner. 

Yesterday was an awesome day! (Monday) I started of with a healthy breakfast. 
Toast with guacamole & a side of fruit. 

So lately I've been having a taste for pizza so I decided to make one but a more modified healthy one...so I made a portobello mushroom pizza with homade pizza sauce and turkey pepperoni! :)
It came out so much better than I thought!!! If you love mushrooms then you have got to try them out!!! I only ate one because the mushrooms were pretty big & surprisingly I was so full after I ate it!

Before my workout I had a snack at about 5pm.
I had some berries and a small green apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter. (I highly recommend that issue of Women's Health magazine to read btw) :) 

For dinner when I got home I had Salmon and a cup of veggies...yesterday was awesome!!!

.....so lately my thing has been to cut back on my calories and eat less...so now instead of having 3 snacks a day I cut it down to only 1...and that's the snack before my workout. This months goal was to lose 5lbs....last month I lost 12lbs!!! So far this month I've lost my goal of 5lbs!! I have 10more days left in the month so let's see what I can do!
And today...I stepped on the scale which I shouldn't have done because I've made my Fridays weigh in days for me. But I'm FINALLY under 150lbs!!! This morning I weighed in at 148lbs!!! I'm so happy!!! 

Sorry this post was so long but I wanted to catch you guys up on everything lately!!
Hopefully I motivated some of you!!! ;) 

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