Thursday, February 20, 2014

Good Morning!!!

Morning guys!!! 
I was supposed to write a post last night about my day yesterday but I got so tired last night...10pm felt like 2am for me last night. 

So I'll talk about yesterday in this post...
So yesterday was a good day...lately I've been waking up a lot earlier. I like it because I can eat my breakfast a lot earlier. And I'm not so hungry throughout the day now I'm taking in less calories. 

So every night before I go to sleep I literally figure out what I'm going to eat for breakfast in the morning & I try to plan out my meals for the day in my head. Yesterday I made a breakfast burrito for the first time & it came AMAZING!!!! It was so filling and tasty. I loved it!! 

Inside I put, scrambled eggs with onions, green peppers, tomatoes, turkey pepperoni, spinach and garlic. And I put it on top of some fresh baby spinach, topped it with a little bit of shredded cheese & avacado. So yummy!! I also had some fresh berries on the side. 

I then took a nap before I went to the gym. When I woke up I ate a cup of broccoli & some fresh berries for energy at the gym. Yesterday was arm day, I did the stairs for 20mins for cardio and did my weight training. I stayed at the gym for a total of 2 hrs yesterday. 

When I got home I made a spinach & romain salad with chicken, fresh strawberries & some feta cheese. I used my favorite vinegarette and I cut back on how much dressing I use since that's where most of the calories in a salad comes from. I used only ONE tablespoon which equals 80calories! 

After dinner I got a little hungry around 9ish so I made a fruit smoothie and that filled me up. I also had a grapefruit before bed. 

When I first started posting my food posts and my pictures of me at the gym I was a little skeptical because I felt like I was posting a picture every 5 seconds. But now, people continue to tell me how much I've motivated them to either start eating healthy, get back in the gym or even make small changes. It makes me beyond ecstatic that I am able to motivate others. For a long time other people on the internet was my motivation and now I can finally motivate others. Most importantly I can motivate ME!! 

Don't be part of the 70% that quits!!! It's not going to be easy but I promise you it's going to be worth it!! In the beginning it's hard but that means you are putting in effort and you are making some type of change, you ARE putting in the work!! The hardest part most of the time is the food and diet part. You've got to do research, educate yourself on the right foods to eat, proportion sizes, different recipies, try new things!!! You can't keep eating unhealthy foods and off the dollar menu expecting to look like a million bucks. 
Hope everyone has a good day!! Try to put in an hour of physical activity today!! You'll feel better, I promise!

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