Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday=back day

Hey guys!!

Today was a good day!! I woke up at about 10:30ish to have breakfast...
For breakfast today I had scrambled eggs with tomato, multigrain toast, plantains and yogurt with fresh strawberries...It was delicious!! Lol. 

I then played with my niece and at about 1:30pm I had my snack...strawberries, blackberries and roasted peanuts. 

Then I went to the gym...I always push myself at the gym and literally go into beast mode lol. Today I wanted to see how long I could run nonstop before getting tired...

Today I ran 4 miles!!! In 48mins!! I couldn't believe it!!! First time I've ever ran that distance nonstop!! So proud of myself...I then did my back routine workouts... Was in the gym for about 2 hours and had a protein drink after.

When I got home I ate dinner approximately one hour after I had my shake which was at about 7pm. Tonight, I had sautéed chicken breast with stir-fry veggies. 

I just got home from a meeting...I want a snack so I'm gonna eat a med sized grapefruit. I usually eat one every night before bed. Sometimes with vinegar, but tonight I don't think I will. Today was a good day! Just wanted to let you guys know how it went! Now I'm thinking of tomorrow's breakfast! Lol. Goodnight! 

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