Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Late night post...

Hey guys!!! 

It's a late post but I'm up and I wanted to let you guys know how my day went...

So on my last post I began to tell you guys about my day starting with my breakfast which was a bowl of oatmeal & some berries. 

For a snack I had half of a banana and about 10 roasted peanuts. (Today I drank a lot of water...when I drink a lot of water like I'm supposed to...I'm never hungry) so that snack was filling with a big glass of water. 
Then I went to the grocery store with my mommy and loaded up on veggies & fruits! :) 

When I got home, I had a slice of toasted whole wheat bread with about half of a teaspoon of peanut butter before I hit the gym. 
Today at the gym, I ran my usually 2miles for cardio before my strength training. Today was back day so I did about 6 different back exercises, 20reps/4sets. I can finally do more than 10 push-ups!!! Real push-ups!! Lol. After my workout I stopped by the gas station and bought a protein shake to replenish my muscles since I didn't go straight home after the gym. 

When I got home I made dinner which was pretty simple tonight. Just some sautéed chicken in extra virgin olive oil, broccoli sautéed in garlic & EVOO also. And a small tangerine for dessert. :)

Sooo in my last post I told you guys how much I've lost since I've started this healthy lifestyle journey & today I finally found a picture of me at my HIGHEST weight of 185lbs...here is a before & after picture of me...from last August compared to me now...37lbs lighter at 148lbs!!

The picture of me on the left was me just existing...hating myself...couldn't fit any of my clothes...pinching my fat in the mirror everyday for hours...hated to take pictures...a girl that found every excuse in the book to NOT workout...ate EVERYTHING in sight that I loved...kept saying, "I'll start tomorrow"...a girl that didn't take care of her body...

The picture of me on the right is a girl who is constantly happy, always smiling!...a girl that loves taking pictures to capture memories...a girl that makes time in the day to workout EVERY single day...a girl that makes constant decisions to eat more healthier foods instead of dieting...a girl that continues to preach and motivate others the same way other fitness people motivated her...a girl who takes care of herself mentally AND physically!! 

These are some pictures of me when I got my makeup done my bestfriend's little sister...piperTheMUA...you guys should check her out! 

K. I think I'm gonna try and go to bed now after a little reading...goodnight! Mwah! :)

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