Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Interest vs. Commitment...

Hey guys!!! 
It's about 11:30pm. & I'm exhausted lol. But I'm gonna write a post to let you guys know how my day went and some thoughts I have...

So today I woke up around 8 something...drank my water & made I had a boiled egg, strawberries and some oatmeal cooked in light vanilla soy milk. 

I then had so much energy in me I decided to do some meal prepping. I made my infamous veggie stirfry to eat with my meals lol. 
This is how my meal prep looked after I was done. So convenient. A little time consuming BUT..."If you fail to plan, plan to fail." One of my favorite quotes!! You must do the things necessary to improve yourself. If you meal prep you've already planned what you will be eating for the next few days. You don't have to think about dinner or lunch, you don't have an option to buy some carry out. 

When I say "clean eating" MY interpretation is eating mostly NONpackaged foods. Everything I eat is fresh. My produce, my meat, everything. The only things I eat packaged is my bread but the only bread I eat is multi-grain. And yogurt! I love yogurt! Lol. Oh, and organic peanut butter. Lol! 

Here are some ways to pick the healthier option. If you're confused about something or are having a hard time choosing what to eat...research!!! My phone has became my GURU! When I need a new recipie, I google it. When I need to find a new workout, I google it. When I can't figure out how many calories something is, I google it!! I google everything!!! Pinterest is also AMAZING!!' The internet does everything for me!! I'm literally up every night till at least 2am researching new fitness ideas for myself. I LOVE reading fitness articles, fitness anything!! 

•you've got to understand that this IS a process and you have got to fully enjoy & embrace it. 
•remember that results won't come in 1-2 didn't gain all that weight in 2 weeks, so give yourself time & be patient. 
•why make excuses when you can just do it? Your mind will find every excuse in the book to not workout or to eat a cookie but after you eat the cookie, how do you feel? When you don't workout, what have you achieved??
One hour is only 4% of your day!! If you can't dedicate one hour to yourself to become a better person you need to think about why you're doing this. You've got to change your attitude. 
For a LONGGGGG time I didn't understand how I was gonna lose weight. I became depressed with my body. I simply hated it. As each day passed, one day I looked up and realized one whole year flew by! And I did NOTHING for myself. 
•just imagine what 6 months can do for you....look at what it did for me!! Everytime I started a fitness plan I gave up because I didn't see results fast enough. I stopped because I ate a slice of pizza and didn't catch myself before I was too far gone again. 
Then one day I got on my phone & looked at people's transformation pictures of their before & afters until 6am and I convinced myself I can do this. People made drastic changes in 6 MONTHS, ONE year and they were a totally different person! I became so inspired & motivated that I just started. 

•I did what I could with what I had. I didn't have a gym but I had some weights, it was warm outside so I had space to run, I bought a jump rope...I made it work with I had!! 
I stopped making excuses for myself. I didn't eat the cookies my mom brought home from work anymore. I didn't eat until I was so full that I couldn't breathe. I made changes! I began to take full responsibility for myself. 
In the beginning it wasn't so hard for me because I wanted it so bad. My first month I dropped 12lbs!! I ate clean & worked out everyday! 

•I had my days where I fell off, my cheat meals turned into days, taking a week off of working out BUT I didn't let that stop me! I caught myself before I got too far. I learned from myself. I learned what to do when I'm in certain situations. 
-pack a lunch when I'm going to be gone for a long time
-pick the grilled chicken & veggies at the restaurant with the sauce on the side. 
-always have a bottle of water
-never skip Mondays at the gym
-never skip more than 2 consecutive days of working out 
My list goes on & on but the list is for ME. I learned what & what not to do. I'm still learning how to make healthy choices. Im still learning new workouts. But I'm doing the work that I have to do to figure it out. 
When you have a cheat meal or don't work out...oh well!! Move on!! Tomorrow is another day to DO BETTER. Be upset with yourself, reflect on it, figure out how you can do better the next time & move on!! 

I hope some of this helps you guys on your journey. I know I rambled but I got into my motivation speech just because I remember how I felt in the beginning & I wish I had someone who could tell me how they did it. Keep going, don't give up, push yourself & move on! 

Goodnight! ;) 

Let me be your motivation...
August 8, 2013

February, 25 2014

=7 MONTHS of hard work! Clean eating & training dirty!!! No waist corsets, no crash diets, no starvation. Me, my gym shoes, my body, 4-6meals a day & I transformed my body!!! :)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Feel good pain...

I've been so busy lately so sorry for the late post!!

Hey guys!!
I know I haven't made a post since Saturday I think but I've been so busy!! 
Well today was a nice busy day...I woke up at 9:00 & got rushed to get dressed by my mother who had an appointment at 10 that she wanted me to go with her. I quickly got dressed then made sure I grabbed something to eat on the way! I drank a big glass of water, filled my to go water bottle, grabbed a slice of whole wheat bread & a plum! I've made it a habit to NEVER skip breakfast! If you're not hungry, so something! It's what gets your metabolism going & it gives you energy to get your body started for the day! 

We got home at about 12 & I made lunch for myself...we had other places to go so I made something light. I had an avacado with an egg baked in the oven & some fruit on the side. I didn't really like the taste of my avacado tasted bitter but that's what it's all about...trying new foods, different ways. I LOVE avacado but from now on I'll only eat it uncooked lol. I also had some raw peanuts on the side. 

Then I had to go to a quick dr's appointment & they had pretzel bags out for the patients and I couldn't resist so I had a bag! It was small and only 160calories so I didn't feel bad & pretzels aren't too bad for you and they're a whole lot healthier than chips!. I burned it off at the gym anyways. ;) 

Me and my mom made runs until about 5pm. When I got home I ate a light snack before going to the gym...a 1/2 cup of light yogurt & some blueberries. 

And yes! I measure everything! That's the only way I'll know that I'm eating the correct proportion size. 
Then I went to the gym from 6-830pm. My stamina & physical abilities in the gym have gotten so much stronger I can't believe it!! I'm able to lift more weight, I can run longer & faster, my HIIT workout that I made up a month ago is no longer hard for me to do, I do it with ease! The progress doesn't just show in the pictures it shows in the workouts too! 

Yesterday was Sunday which means bootCamp!! And I do 2 one hour sessions, one at 12pm and one at 3pm. I push myself no lie when I workout. If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you. It's all mind over matter. The first workout at 12 was so extreme I didn't think I was gonna be able to do a second one & almost went home but I stayed and pushed myself to do the 3pm class. The second workout was a lot more harder but I made it. And didn't give up or stop or half ass any of the exercises that we had to do. Perseverance!!!! 
I am sooooo sore from yesterday that it hurt so bad to get out of bed this morning. I was even sore yesterday night! I'm usually never sore the day of my workout, always the day after. But even though I'm sore from yesterday, I made it to the gym today. In my opinion working out the day after sore, helps my muscles a lot! 

Today I also finally bought my protein supplements!!!!
I drink a protein shake after every workout to replenish my muscles because I do a lot of weight lifting for one and also because I want to lose weight but build/tone my muscles. Protein is very essential with muscle replenishing! No it doesn't bulk you up of you're a the research before you bad mouth protein shakes! Lol. 
I then had my dinner about an hour after my drink which was baked chicken & a side of mixed veggies. 

Today me & my mom also went to the oriental store so I bought some green tea & had that after dinner before bed. Green tea is always good to drink for so many reason that are beneficial for your body. 

Tomorrow I have to get up extra early again with my mom but this time I'm gonna get up in time to make a good breakfast lol! Nite!

Me before I went to the gym today...I bought new gym clothes but the bottoms were a little big, they kept falling while I was working out...they're a medium!! I can't believe I'm going to have to buy small clothes now!
I even saw 2 people today while I was out that I haven't seen in months but they couldn't even recognize who I was and when I told them who I was, they were so shocked with how much weight I lost! Crazy!! I was so shocked that they didn't know who I was!! Lol!! & it also felt good to know that people can see my hard work! ;)

But ok it's 1:30am now I'm going to bed! Night! Lol!

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Good Morning!!! Saturday REST DAY :)

Good Morning guys!!

I have no idea why I'm up, I went to bed at about 4 something this morning. Smh. 

Well I've been laying in bed since 8 because I thought I was gonna fall back asleep. I need to get up and boil some eggs. Idk what I'm gonna have for breakfast with my egg yet. I'm thinking fruit & a slice of toast or some oatmeal. Idk yet. 

Yesterday was a pretty good day..I woke up and had breakfast. 
I had a plate of fruit + a boiled egg. 

I then had some fruit before I went to the gym. Yesterday was chest day and I did some ab work. Stayed in the gym for about 2 hours like I normally do. Ran 2 miles. 

Then I came home and make lunch. 
I made veggie stirfry & my dad made some salmon so I had that on the side for protein. 

After I ate I got ready for my movie night with a group I attend and I made sure I made a smoothie to take with me and packed some fruit to take along since I knew there was going to be pizza, cupcakes and cookies there. OMG! When they served the food last night the pizza smelled so good!!! But I just got a plate of salad for dinner. 

They also had mini cupcakes and they all kept trying to make me eat one but I kept saying in my head, "it isn't worth it" lol!!! The smoothie I made actually filled me up and made me pretty full and the salad was pretty tasty so I didn't really mind not eating the pizza. I actually tried to save my cheat day for last night BUT I slipped and ate the cookies last week. Lol. No cheat day for me until next month. :( but it all pays off ;) 

This month I've lost 5lbs so far and that was my goal for this month. I have one week left in the month so let's see what I can do. 

I'm actually pretty glad today is rest day for me. My right knee has been bothering me all week and I know I should have rested it during the week but I get anxiety when anything comes in the way of me going to the gym. It's awful lol. But I kept pushing myself and wrapped it while I did my runs and cardio. 

This is me yesterday before the legs are toning up so much!!! I'm so happy with my results. At night I used to look at other peoples transformation pictures for motivation and now I can look at my own. :) It's such a gratifying feeling. This morning when I was looking at my pictures I remembered that feeling I had in the beginning, when all I kept thinking about was how long is it gonna take to see my numbers go down. (Scale-weight numbers) I wanted all my results to come fast and I finally had to learn that it's a process and that I have to fall in love with the process I was going through. Now I'm addicted to the lifestyle, I love eating healthy food that makes me feel good, I love pushing my body at the gym. Keep going!!! Don't give up!! Put the cookie down and pick up the apple!! It will show in 3 weeks, you ARE what you eat! Remember that!!

Me last night. :)

Have a great day today guys!!

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Hey guys!! 

In this post I just wanna post some of my thoughts about my transformation into a healthier lifestyle. 

So I go to the gym everyday...and a lot of people always ask me can they come and workout with me which is fine...but I think they have the thought that working out hardcore everyday is what helped me lose weight...
Yes, working out is essential to losing weight and toning your body BUT everything starts in the kitchen!!! 

The saying..."You ARE what you eat" is very true in my eyes...if you eat processed foods, fast foods, packaged foods and all those sweets then it shows on your body! When you eat clean, your mood changes, your skin glows, your body feels better and it starts to look better! 
When I was crash dieting...I would try to workout like crazy, I even had a personal trainer. I would work out and think in my mind just because I burned off the calories then I can eat them. My thought process was lose enough calories to eat what I want...terrible, terrible thinking. In due time I ended up gaining so much weight. I would over eat all the time! Proportion sizes didn't exist in my mind, I just simply ate until I was full like my stomach was gonna explode. I also only drank water when I was thirsty. 

I even remember being a vegetarian for a whole year to try and lose weight and of course I gained weight! I ate so much processed foods, lots of carbs like pasta and rice, lots of was all bad lol. 

I FINALLY understand and get the concept of proportion sizing. I started paying attention to serving sizes on packaged foods. (I don't eat anything that's packaged anymore, unless it's a cheat day) I've learned how to season my foods without salt too! It only takes 30 days to change and even to change your taste buds! So I can totally admit my palate for foods is very different from anyone else's. I've trained my taste buds! Lol. 

In the beginning of changing your lifestyle into a healthy can't push yourself too hard or else you'll start to hate it. It's a process...and you have to start off slow. When I first started working out, all I did was walk/jog 2 miles everyday. After a couple of weeks I slowly incorporated weights after my walk. It's all about tricking your body. When you start to feel like your workout is getting easy, switch it up! Push yourself! Your body is capable of doing a lot more than you think! It's all mind over matter. 
I remember when I first tried the stair machine, I could barely last 5mins at a stepping rate of 45. Then I made it to 10 mins. Then one day I pushed myself and finished 20mins! With a stepping rate of 65! You have to be positive in everything you do. It reflects in your workouts. 

When I first started this journey...I didn't have a gym or a personal trainer. I did everything by myself by educating myself, doing the research, following fitness people on Instagram and Timblr. Those were the people that motivated me!!! Looking at before & after pictures of people's transformation kept me motivated!!! 
It all takes small steps. But it gets easier, and the next thing you know all your actions & choices become natural. You won't consider yourself on a diet, it will just be foods that you choose to eat. Healthy eating is NOT boring! You have to try new things! Find recipies, make up recipies!! 

Today I made these romain boats!! I stuffed them with fresh spinach, mustard, avacados & tomatoes and some chicken. I totally made up this recipie before I went to bed last night & it came out amazing!!! I even watch the food channel ALL THE TIME & it gives me ideas. 

I'm writing this post because I don't want you to give up. Just remember that you are doing this for you! Your body! Looking good is just a bonus out of a healthy lifestyle the benefits you reap out of it is amazing, especially the fact that you can cure your body from eating healthy, you add years onto your life and you prevent yourself from getting all these bad diseases from diabetes to cardiovascular problems. 
I did crash diets for 2 years and kept gaining weight. I've been eating clean & working out everyday and I've lost 37lbs. The process works! Don't give up !!! It will all be worth it in the end!!! 

Any feedback on my blog is greatly appreciated! I like to know what you guys think for whomever reads it! :) 

Good Morning!!!

Morning guys!!! 
I was supposed to write a post last night about my day yesterday but I got so tired last night...10pm felt like 2am for me last night. 

So I'll talk about yesterday in this post...
So yesterday was a good day...lately I've been waking up a lot earlier. I like it because I can eat my breakfast a lot earlier. And I'm not so hungry throughout the day now I'm taking in less calories. 

So every night before I go to sleep I literally figure out what I'm going to eat for breakfast in the morning & I try to plan out my meals for the day in my head. Yesterday I made a breakfast burrito for the first time & it came AMAZING!!!! It was so filling and tasty. I loved it!! 

Inside I put, scrambled eggs with onions, green peppers, tomatoes, turkey pepperoni, spinach and garlic. And I put it on top of some fresh baby spinach, topped it with a little bit of shredded cheese & avacado. So yummy!! I also had some fresh berries on the side. 

I then took a nap before I went to the gym. When I woke up I ate a cup of broccoli & some fresh berries for energy at the gym. Yesterday was arm day, I did the stairs for 20mins for cardio and did my weight training. I stayed at the gym for a total of 2 hrs yesterday. 

When I got home I made a spinach & romain salad with chicken, fresh strawberries & some feta cheese. I used my favorite vinegarette and I cut back on how much dressing I use since that's where most of the calories in a salad comes from. I used only ONE tablespoon which equals 80calories! 

After dinner I got a little hungry around 9ish so I made a fruit smoothie and that filled me up. I also had a grapefruit before bed. 

When I first started posting my food posts and my pictures of me at the gym I was a little skeptical because I felt like I was posting a picture every 5 seconds. But now, people continue to tell me how much I've motivated them to either start eating healthy, get back in the gym or even make small changes. It makes me beyond ecstatic that I am able to motivate others. For a long time other people on the internet was my motivation and now I can finally motivate others. Most importantly I can motivate ME!! 

Don't be part of the 70% that quits!!! It's not going to be easy but I promise you it's going to be worth it!! In the beginning it's hard but that means you are putting in effort and you are making some type of change, you ARE putting in the work!! The hardest part most of the time is the food and diet part. You've got to do research, educate yourself on the right foods to eat, proportion sizes, different recipies, try new things!!! You can't keep eating unhealthy foods and off the dollar menu expecting to look like a million bucks. 
Hope everyone has a good day!! Try to put in an hour of physical activity today!! You'll feel better, I promise!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Late night post...

Hey guys!!! 

It's a late post but I'm up and I wanted to let you guys know how my day went...

So on my last post I began to tell you guys about my day starting with my breakfast which was a bowl of oatmeal & some berries. 

For a snack I had half of a banana and about 10 roasted peanuts. (Today I drank a lot of water...when I drink a lot of water like I'm supposed to...I'm never hungry) so that snack was filling with a big glass of water. 
Then I went to the grocery store with my mommy and loaded up on veggies & fruits! :) 

When I got home, I had a slice of toasted whole wheat bread with about half of a teaspoon of peanut butter before I hit the gym. 
Today at the gym, I ran my usually 2miles for cardio before my strength training. Today was back day so I did about 6 different back exercises, 20reps/4sets. I can finally do more than 10 push-ups!!! Real push-ups!! Lol. After my workout I stopped by the gas station and bought a protein shake to replenish my muscles since I didn't go straight home after the gym. 

When I got home I made dinner which was pretty simple tonight. Just some sautéed chicken in extra virgin olive oil, broccoli sautéed in garlic & EVOO also. And a small tangerine for dessert. :)

Sooo in my last post I told you guys how much I've lost since I've started this healthy lifestyle journey & today I finally found a picture of me at my HIGHEST weight of is a before & after picture of me...from last August compared to me now...37lbs lighter at 148lbs!!

The picture of me on the left was me just existing...hating myself...couldn't fit any of my clothes...pinching my fat in the mirror everyday for hours...hated to take pictures...a girl that found every excuse in the book to NOT workout...ate EVERYTHING in sight that I loved...kept saying, "I'll start tomorrow"...a girl that didn't take care of her body...

The picture of me on the right is a girl who is constantly happy, always smiling!...a girl that loves taking pictures to capture memories...a girl that makes time in the day to workout EVERY single day...a girl that makes constant decisions to eat more healthier foods instead of dieting...a girl that continues to preach and motivate others the same way other fitness people motivated her...a girl who takes care of herself mentally AND physically!! 

These are some pictures of me when I got my makeup done my bestfriend's little guys should check her out! 

K. I think I'm gonna try and go to bed now after a little reading...goodnight! Mwah! :)

Tuesday=back day :(

Morning guys!!

So today I woke up EXTRA early!! At about 830am and quickly started my morning routine. Drink a big glass of cold water & make breakfast. Today for breakfast I had 1/2cup of oatmeal (whole wheat) with a couple slices of a banana & some berries. 

In about 30mins it will be time for my snack. But I have to go restock on more fruit. So I have no idea what I'm going to eat yet. 

Today I have to go grocery shopping, and a meeting later tonight so I'm debating on if I should hit the gym early or late. 

I haven't wrote a post since Thursday, so I'll catch you guys up with what I've been doing...

Last Friday was Valentines Day and since I had no valentine :( I took myself on a date to the gym. Like any other day. No sweets for me that day!! I was so proud of myself! A lot of candy, chocolate and cupcakes were offered to me!

On Saturday...I started off pretty well...I had fruit for breakfast, fruit for a snack and even had a salad at Buffalo Wild Wings. I even ate a couple of my friends potato wedges...I felt like I could afford to eat them since I've been working out everyday and I haven't had a cheat day in a couple of weeks. 
Then I came home and it was OVER!! I decided to treat myself to a cookie...and ended up eating FOUR! Lol!! Then when I got to my meeting I probably ate SEVEN more cookies!!! Lmaooo!!! I then felt HORRIBLE, tummy ache & mad that I let myself eat that many cookies... :( 
After I ate them I made sure that as soon as I got home I ate a cup of veggies and drank a lot of water. I then planned to do TWO sessions of bootCamp the following Sunday. 
Just to show that I even still have my slip ups and sometimes I can't control my sweet cravings!!!! You just gotta stick it in the past and keep moving forward!

On Sunday...I started with a healthy breakfast before I left for bootCamp. 
I had a slice of toast with guacamole, boiled egg on top and a small green apple. 

I then hit the noon and 2 o'clock sessions with a guy I used to go to HS with. He teaches them for only $5 a session!!! For a whole hour!! I can't pass it up! 
I was sooooo sore the following Monday...and actually I'm still sore now! But yesterday I had a pretty intense workout too. I was in the gym for 3 hours yesterday. Lol. So when I got home from bootCamp I made some veggies and chicken breast and had that for lunch and dinner. 

Yesterday was an awesome day! (Monday) I started of with a healthy breakfast. 
Toast with guacamole & a side of fruit. 

So lately I've been having a taste for pizza so I decided to make one but a more modified healthy I made a portobello mushroom pizza with homade pizza sauce and turkey pepperoni! :)
It came out so much better than I thought!!! If you love mushrooms then you have got to try them out!!! I only ate one because the mushrooms were pretty big & surprisingly I was so full after I ate it!

Before my workout I had a snack at about 5pm.
I had some berries and a small green apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter. (I highly recommend that issue of Women's Health magazine to read btw) :) 

For dinner when I got home I had Salmon and a cup of veggies...yesterday was awesome!!! lately my thing has been to cut back on my calories and eat now instead of having 3 snacks a day I cut it down to only 1...and that's the snack before my workout. This months goal was to lose 5lbs....last month I lost 12lbs!!! So far this month I've lost my goal of 5lbs!! I have 10more days left in the month so let's see what I can do!
And today...I stepped on the scale which I shouldn't have done because I've made my Fridays weigh in days for me. But I'm FINALLY under 150lbs!!! This morning I weighed in at 148lbs!!! I'm so happy!!! 

Sorry this post was so long but I wanted to catch you guys up on everything lately!!
Hopefully I motivated some of you!!! ;)